On October 29th the VI Agile Saturday took place at Swedbank’s IT-building. With the maximum number of 250 tickets “sold” it was the largest Agile Saturday to date.
One of the main attractions this time was definitely the lecture by Gojko Adzic about challenging requirements. Gojko is a highly-renowned and experienced agile coach who quickly won the hearts of the audience with his energetic performance and received a load of positive feedback. In addition to him we had a number of Finnish and Estonian presenters with different topics and workshops, including Henri Kivioja from Ericsson Finland, Kitty Mamers from Skype and Hannes Lents from Garage48.
This time we really made an effort to get some feedback from participants both about the lectures and the whole event altogether, which gave us a pretty good overview of the positive and negative aspects people noticed.
The most mentioned problem in the feedback, as many of you might have already guessed, was the lack of cool air. It’s unfortunate that the ventilation system failed, but on the other hand – it is nice that the main problem of such a large-scale event is the ventilation and not the topics, presenters or overall organisation.
Photos of the event can be seen on Agile Estonia’s Facebook page, videos of lectures will be uploaded soon. The next Agile Saturday is planned for the beginning of next year with one keynote speaker already confirmed. In case you have any ideas or propositions concerning the next Agile Saturday, be sure to let us know.
Thanks and see you next year!