Accelerating business growth by improving the Agile delivery of change.
The talk will appeal to delegates who work within an Agile environment, but want to understand more about the bigger picture of a company and how their contribution collectively moves a business forward. It will also be good for delegates who are new to Agile, or those who are thinking of introducing an Agile way of working and what to start off in the best possible shape.
The talk will be given by Clive Smith who is the Group CTO at MYJAR. Clive is experienced in delivering transformation to major financial services companies, such as Deutsche Bank, ING and Gazprom Marketing and Trading. The challenge in place at MYJAR is to lift the bar in Agile capability for this new way of working. It is needed to deliver the systems and process to grow the business by improving the customer experience and creating even more happy customers. Clive will discuss ‘why’ and ‘how’ you go about aligning the people and delivery engine with the vision and strategy of the company. This will then flow into ‘how’ you go about improving all aspects of Agile Project Management over a relatively short period of time to improve efficiency and quality of the deliverables.
MYJAR is a rapidly expanding company who ” responsibly provides small amounts of credit to a UK customer base”.. With a talented pool of enthusiastic and already successful people in Estonia, MYJAR is looking to further develop the company to be a leader in the short term loan market by keeping ‘customer centric’.