Jaan Pullerits

Introduction to 3D Graphics in your web browser with three.js

Browser technology has made a huge leap in past few years. It wasn’t long ago when web was mostly text with some pictures and hyperlinks, but now most internet sites we visit are built as massive client side applications with the browser doing as much work as the server.

Only recently it also became possible to do actual full blown, GPU accelerated 3D graphics using merely the browser. The new technology, called WebGL, makes it possible to create stunning games, business graphics or real estate presentations among other things, which work on many operating systems, devices and browsers without the need to install any extra plugins or extensions.

Only problem with WebGL is the fact it is a low level API and although extremely flexible, it requires quite a commitment to get started with. Fortunately, it didn’t take long for high level APIs to pop up, one of which, Three.js, we are investigating. One thing is for sure: it has never been quite that easy to get into the world of interactive 3D.

What exactly is GPU accelerated 3D? How it works? How to get started with it? How to use agile methods for developing your next sparkling 3D project? These and hopefully many other questions will be answered during the presentation.

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