Kristjan Haavik

How we went AGILE in Nigeria?

For the last two and a half years Nortal ICT specialists have been flying between their homeland and Nigeria. One might wonder what are those guys and an Estonian ICT Company doing so far away from home in the middle of Africa.

In fact, Nortal has a team of experienced PFM-experts who are building up the Public Finance Management for Federal Government of Nigeria together with Hewlett Packard. The project has lasted a bit over two years now.

Although we had a ready-made software package (Nortal PFM) that covered most of the customerĀ“s needs we still had to do a lot of customization work in a challenging and totally different environment compared to our home markets.

My presentation is mostly about our experience in Nigeria as well as interesting hints and tips on how to survive as a software engineer (Agile Management, Agile Software Development) in that part of the world.


Kristjan Haavik
Nortal AS
Responsible for Business Development in Africa

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