Meet The Speakers – Heldin Rikk

Meet an Agile Saturday Tallinn XVI speaker Heldin Rikk (Estonia), with a talk “Strategy dipped in Agile”!

Topic: Strategy dipped in Agile

About the talk:

Too often I have seen leaders who focus mostly on operational tasks, micromanaging, firefighting and, if we are lucky, they talk about Strategy once a year. But sometimes, when fortune is particularly kind to us, we might be lucky enough to get leaders who are different  😊

In this talk I am going to take you on the journey that our Leadership team embarked on together to improve our Strategy ways of working. The objective was to become more responsive to change whilst continuously focusing on our strategy, and to capitalize on the full potential of all our 2000 employees with the help of relatable and tangible strategic objectives.

We will explore how buy-in was created, how we set up a participative approach and how the outcome looks in practice today. I will share our challenges, our vision for the future and what you can learn from our journey.

Sounds interesting? I am looking forward to seeing you there

About Heldin:
Country girl who became part of big city agile mafia since 2009. Now she is a high flier, has necessary mindset and fitting lifestyle too – in the summer she drag raced in Haapsalu, today she spearheads Strategy ways of working at Ericsson.

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