
Our Mission: Make high-quality Agile knowledge accesible for local and international communities.


Bronze sponsor:

Our partners:


Agile Estonia is a non-profit organization. It does not represent any specific company or financial interest. None of us receive any salary from this organization. Also as our mission is to make high-quality Agile knowledge affordable for the community, we don’t charge the guests for participation. Ideally, that would remain like this further on. However, events that we organize require funds to ensure the comfort of our guests.

Our audience

Our events are a great place where you can address very special audience. On average, we have around 300 participants, mostly from Estonia, and in addition, guests from Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden and other countries, plus a great lineup of international speakers.

Our participants’ job titles are:
‣ Agile Coaches
‣ Scrum Masters
‣ Software Engineers
‣ Product Managers, Product Owners and Business Analysts
‣ All the levels of managers:
- CEOs
- Departement Managers
- Engineering Managers
- Team Managers
‣ Project Managers
‣ HR specialists


We want to make sponsoring Agile Estonia simple and transparent and more importantly – available to everyone who is interested. All the funds received for sponsoring will be used only to organize social events. No one from Agile Estonia nor related companies will get paid. By making the sponsoring open and transparent we also want to avoid too much advertising at the event. We are thankful that people participate in our events. We fully support networking and open discussions. Let’s keep it that way. We need financial involvement for some basic operations of the organization (e.g. hosting) and for the comfort of our guests (e.g. venue and coffee).

Sponsorship Opportunities

To support Agile Saturday Tallinn 2025, we offer ready-made sponsorship packages and are open to exploring other types of partnerships. Our sponsorship packages provide valuable exposure and engagement with our audience, with benefits such as:
• Brand Visibility
• Speaking Opportunities
• Networking Opportunities
• Social Media Promotion
• On-site Presence

To Summarize

Sponsorship consists of the four levels. The benefits are listed in the table below. If you are interested or if you have any questions, please send your request here:

Four levels of sponsorship


Example of Roll Up Banner