Agile Saturday XV – Third keynote speaker !

Hi all!

We would like to introduce you our third keynote speaker of Agile Saturday XV – the event that will happen already in two weeks!

Our third keynote speaker is – Soledad Pinter and her topic will be –  “Heart of Agile”!

And there is short abstract as well:

“During the last 18 years, we have seen how agile has become more complex with frameworks and techniques, leading us to forget that underneath it all there are “simple” values and principles.

The Heart of Agile (by Alistair Cockburn), is a simplified approach to achieve effectiveness in your daily work and life whatever initiative you are part of. With just four words at the heart of agility and teamwork to describe it: Collaborate, Deliver, Reflect, Improve.

This session provides a practical and interactive view on how to use these basic elements from the Heart of Agile as guidelines to advance your practice. Hope that you take away a new approach and perspective to map your daily challenges in those four simple quadrants, along with new tools to probe with your teams.

Soledad is an agile consultant, coach and trainer with more than 20 years of experience and working in agile since 2006. She has given keynotes and orientations on practices and techniques related to the Heart of Agile on several continents, using an informal and interactive presentation style. Soledad is driven by her passion for helping organizations, teams and people to become better at their every day work. “

Soledad Pinter
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