Codeborne Software School

How to get non-IT people to start coding

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It is quite hard to find software developers with agile mindset on the market, or even any software developers at all as demand for professionals in this industry is higher than what the market can provide. And it seems to be as true in Estonia as in most other countries.

So, last summer we at Codeborne decided to do an experiment. Many companies have tried organizing summer schools for IT students in the past in order to get new employees, but we decided to try it another way: what if there are people having different education and working in other fields, but willing to learn software development? We didn’t have a clue, but still decided to start the application process. Demand was high and a bit later we had a new team of 6 working in our office on a real project from scratch.

Speakers: Aho Augasmägi, and graduates – Annika Tammik, Elina Matvejeva.

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