Eetu Kaivola- Siili Solutions OY (FIN)

“Challenging the Status Quo”

Growth relies on change and the primary driver for change is dissatisfaction with the status quo. What actually motivates you? Do we care enough? These questions are the bases for the train of thought when it comes to developing teams and yourself. There are impediments on this route, of course, and these impediments must be taken care of if we want to go forward.

This is a talk about challenging ways of working and Status Quo on every project and team. I try to point out that every one can and will be better in their daily work and they can turn negative emotions and Status Quo to a positive goal that drives them forward.

BIO: I’m is technology driven agile coach who likes challenges and challenging. Finding new solutions and keeping away from Status Quo are close to my heart. Working closely with Siilis junior consultants and functional programming.

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