Hanno Jarvet

Agile is a bad strategy or 5 things every Agile practitioner should know about strategy.Hanno Jarvet

Many people confuse strategy (the “what”) with operations (the “how”) and as a result spend time spinning their wheels without getting anywhere. Actually Agile is not a strategy at all, its an ongoing operational priority.
Agile might help you get to your destination faster, but if the destination is wrong the last thing we need is to get there sooner.

Sometimes business executives or customers come to us with vague images that are short on the what and why and rich on the how. Company strategy, product strategy, Agile strategy, strategic agility, key growth strategy, business strategy. Strategy this and strategy that. In order to help them and yourself you need to think at a higher level of abstraction.

Come and find out what strategy is and how to implement it. As a result you will know how to think strategically and help executives do the same.

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