“Agile Organization” Track (11:10) – Hanno Jarvet (Jarvet Consulting)
With topic:
“Teaching old dogs new tricks. Preparing the ground before Agile can help”

Short introduction about speaker:
“I help organisations improve performance. Under that wide umbrella I have helped organisations of all sizes and all levels to set higher sights and to implement their goals with more speed and comfort. I have been happy to work with clients sectors, such as finance, insurance, government, education, IT, telecom, IT, media, utilities, logistics and others.”
Topic Abstract:
I help organisations of all sizes to improve performance. Sometimes the business outcomes can be improved by using Agile practices and principles. These are useful, but not sufficient. If it were easy, we would all be Agile already. Usually something else needs to happen before we can get the full benefits from Agile. How do you help the top management to set focus, create clarity around strategy, alignment in the organisation and to step back from the Agile way of working?
I will share the tools and methods I use for helping companies set strategy and to execute it. (E.g. Wardley mapping, start-up canvases, KT strategy process, Cynefin etc.) Some agenda items: – First rule of Agile club is we do not talk about Agile. If you want to influence major business decisions, you have to speak in the language of money. – Understanding your competitive landscape and internal context. – Formulating and executing strategy. – Critical issues of strategy execution: competencies, compensation, processes, and organisational structure. – Understanding principles to evolve local practices.