
Jaanus Soots – Skype

My personal experience with innovation in product team

This is the story where I was against hacking in team but after 1 year became the innovation champ do push it across the company.
I got my new product and team who was willing to do hacking. As a product manager with full of backlog, delayed delivery and high pressure from managers I was against of any new distractions. But that how it started. After long journey and many complicated experiments we ended up with fantastic outcome. Lot of internal improvements, many new customer features in live and patent taken for one invention.

BIO: more than 20 years on IT field and last 6 years in Skype

Jaanus Soots – Skype Read More »

Filips Jelisejevs – Also Cloud (two session together)

What are they hiding from you – dark(er) side of SCRUM

Have you ever wondered what your SCRUM Master knows that you don’t?
Take a peek into the psychological mechanisms used (or abused?) in SCRUM!

Sure, daily stand ups are improving your information flow and sprint demos are great for fast feedback, but what about the cogs of the machine – the people?
Why exactly more than 7 do not make a good team? What good does cross-functionality do if we are doing one thing at a time, anyway?
This 15 minutes session for people with SCRUM experience is an invitation to think about the psychological aspects that make the framework tick.

Building Xanadu

How would you organize your team in the ideal world? What exactly of this wishlist you can’t do in a real one? For extra brownie points – how do you do it in a large corporate environment?
This is one part bragging about how cool we are and one part a list of controversial ideas in team building and people management.
Includes keywords like “”wage transparency”” and “”unlimited vacation policy”” and do they work in real life (aka corporate environment).
This is a 15 minute talk about grass-roots team building and organization, enjoyable by both teams and managers alike.

BIO: Agile enthusiast who has been a SCRUM Master already before it was cool. Hobbyist of behavioral economics, has worked in companies big and small but still a believer that biggest challenge in software development is people.

Filips Jelisejevs – Also Cloud (two session together) Read More »

Hanno Jarvet – Jarvet Consulting

Defining and executing a portfolio strategy

How to come up with a successful portfolio strategy and how to execute it?
Hanno JarvetHow does a Chief Product Owner turn the company strategy into a portfolio strategy and build a suite of products and services to satisfy new and existing customers? What are some common pitfalls in aligning the organisational structure, governance, budgeting and legal issues and what to do about it?

In a perfect world everyone in our organisation knows what and why it should be achieved, has clarity around which decisions need to be made by whom and has the necessary competence, information, resources and authority to do it. Usually this is not the case. I will share practical examples, tools and models that I have used to help organisations make progress in executing their portfolio strategy.

Hanno Jarvet – Jarvet Consulting Read More »

Kristjan-Hans Sillmann – Telia Eesti (will co-present with Alek Kozlov)

The agile journey of Telia Estonia: experiments and discoveries

How to deal with 150 projects on a waiting list, if they are on the same level of importance and urgency? How to help business overcome the fear of building only small part of their grand vision? How to grow intrapreneurship in the hierarchic and matrix organization and support the people in their new roles?
In this talk you’ll hear what experiments we had, what we learned from these, where we failed and where we succeeded.

BIO: “I have 16 years of experience in software development, I’ve been a developer and a project manager. For 11 years, I’ve also been a lecturer in Tallinn University of Technology.
For the last 2,5 years I’ve been responsible for IT development process improvements in Telia Eesti. In my view, improvements in IT development cannot be enforced, they can only be sold out to the leaders, managers and teams. I think this can be done by a Lean-Agile evangelist who will train, mentor and coach people.
My favourite topics are: Lean thinking, principles and practices; startup mentality in the enterprise; agile Product Ownership and scoping (eg story mapping); DevOps & continuous delivery.”

BIO: Alek Kozlov Product Success Catalyst and Designer. I love to see how people uncover innovation by finding very simple and elegant solutions. But even more I love to see how these innovations help to understand and spin new business models.

Kristjan-Hans Sillmann – Telia Eesti (will co-present with Alek Kozlov) Read More »

Ari Tikka – Gosei OY

From Tayloristic to Agile organization

What is common to Ford factories around 1900 and the collapse of Nokia Mobile Phones 2011? What leads most corporations towards Tayloristic organization? What is the other path to success?

“What is common to Ford factories a hundred years ago and Nokia about 20 years ago? In our session we explain the logic that takes the vast majority of leaders and corporations towards Tayloristic organization. We will also show the necessary and adequate changes to move from Tayloristic to Agile organization. Agile Adoptions tend to fall back to the old status quo. This happens for several reasons. First, a partial adoption introduces changes, which make the socio­techno­-economical system inconsistent and uneconomical. Second, partly because of the previous, the old status quo remains more comfortable for the individuals, and the new practices do not sustain. Third, the fundamental leadership assumptions have been cemented in the culture.
We will shed light on Taylorism versus Agile using several approaches: Ouchi’s theory of organizational control, Hackmann’s research on High­Performance Teams, Lean product development, Large­Scale Scrum, Complexity theory, history of Leadership, and our 20+ years of experience.”

BIO: After studying structural mechanics Ari built fault tolerant embedded real time systems for ten years. He has been full-­time organizational therapist since 1997. He has deep experience in organizational and group dynamics. He likes to explore and publish about patterns and unconscious phenomena in organizations. Ari is working with international Large­Scale Scrum (LeSS) adoptions, and contributing actively to the framework. In private life Ari listens to strange classical music (now playing), lifts iron, runs after the ball and tries to sit quietly in zen meditation.

Ari Tikka – Gosei OY Read More »

April 16, register now!

Hear ye, hear ye – after a short break Agile Saturday is back and it’s almost here!

So clean your schedule for April 16th and see you at the Agile Saturday XII at Hotel Euroopa!

Register at Eventbrite

To all the newcomers – come and see what the fuss around Agile is all about; to all the oldies  – come and hear what your peers and colleagues have to say about recent developments and news in the Agile scene.

So here is what we have for you on the XII Agile Saturday:

The first Keynote is Brendan Marsh from Spotify talking about “Spotify Running: Lessons learned from building a ‘Lean Startup’ inside a big tech company”

In the management track we have:

Hanno Jarvet from Jarvet Consulting talking about “Defining and executing a portfolio strategy”

Kristjan-Hans Sillmann and Alek Kozlov talking about “The agile journey of Telia Estonia: experiments and discoveries.”

Ari Tikka from Gosei OY talking about “From Tayloristic to Agile organization”.

In the technical track we have:

Björn Kimminich from Kuehne + Nagel talking about “#NoComments /* about the worthlessness of comments in clean code *.”

Jaan Pullerits from CyberCat Creations talking about “Building microservices with Esticade framework.”

But this is not all- we also have:

Jaanus Soots from Skype talking about “My personal experience with innovation in product team.”

Filips Jelisejevs talking about “What are they hiding from you – dark(er) side of SCRUM and Building Xanadu.”

Priit Kaasik from FlowHow talking about “Too many ways to improve Scrum? Take them all!”

And of course there is going to be an afterparty as well so you can mingle some more with all the great people you met during the day.

Sounds good so far? Well this is still not all- we have more speakers coming, so stay tuned for more updates about the agenda and speakers!

You may also check our FB page for updates.

See you already on the 16th of April!

April 16, register now! Read More »

Jürgen Münch – keynote

Creating Value with Software: A Blueprint for Continuous ExperimentationJuergen Muench

Finding the right scope for product development in order to build products that customers want is crucial for success. An important approach for steering development towards the right scope is to continuously conduct experiments. Insights from such experiments directly influence frequent iterative deliveries. Success cases from industry show that such an approach helps companies to gain competitive advantage by reducing uncertainties and rapidly finding product roadmaps that work. However, defining and conducting the right experiments can be challenging:

How can we identify the relevant questions we need to answer for making good product decisions? How can we find the right hypotheses to test? How can we define metrics that inform product decisions? How can we justify the efforts for experimentation? How can we link the experimental findings with product decisions and dynamically change a product roadmap? This talk answers the questions above and provides a step-by-step blueprint to put continuous experimentation into action.

BIO: Jürgen Münch is a Professor of Software Engineering at Reutlingen University, Germany, and a Research Director in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Helsinki, Finland. He specializes in software engineering, in particular data- and value-driven software development, product management, agile engineering, and innovation. Results are documented in five books and more than 150 refereed publications. Jürgen has been a principal investigator of numerous research and development projects. He regularly teaches product management courses and helps companies to develop innovation capabilities and new digitally-enabled products and services.

Register now to the next Agile Saturday and see you already on the 16th of April!

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Brendan Marsh – keynote

brendan-talking (2)Spotify Running: Lessons learned from building a ‘Lean Startup’ inside a big tech company

This is the story of how a small, cross-functional team (with only 1 developer!) worked closely with our customers on a weekly basis to discover the right thing to build, before we built anything and eventually shipped an innovative new feature that was praised by customers and the press alike. If you’ve read the Lean Startup, have been inspired by their stories and wonder “wow that’s really inspiring, now how the heck do I actually DO this?!”, then this presentation is for you. (Here’s a hint: It ain’t easy, but is doable!)

Brendan Marsh is an Agile Coach at Spotify and the coordinator of Spotify’s Innovation guild. Brendan has been coaching the team behind the new Spotify Running feature, which started life as an exploratory project with the goal of discovering what the ideal running experience is for Spotify’s running community. The feature has since been rolled out to Spotify’s 60 million users.

Brendan is passionate about Innovation, Lean Startup thinking and empowering teams to achieve greatness.

Register now to the next Agile Saturday and see you already on the 16th of April!

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Call for Papers is open for Agile Saturday 12 (April 16th)

Hello all Agile Saturday fans, friends and speakers!

3583_10152229281150199_1384616662_nWe are glad to tell you that after a short break we are back! So book the date in your calendar (16th of April) and submit your abstract or several abstracts as the Call for Papers is now open!

We invite you to share your experience (good, bad and ugly) and submit an abstract or several abstracts to present on XII-th Agile Saturday in Tallinn, Estonia on 16th of April.

The Submission will close on the 17th of March.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask –



Call for Papers is open for Agile Saturday 12 (April 16th) Read More »

Elar Lang

Hope management in web applications from pentester’s point of view

Quite often we can read from news that someone got hacked, some data (including pics!) was leaked. Quite often web applications are built with hope “nothing bad will happen”. Quite often users use web application in hope “nothing bad will happen with my data”. I call it all: “hope management”.

As an user – you hope that no one will guess your credentials and web applications keep your data securely.
As a developer – you hope that no one will hack your code, you know enough about security, frameworks-libraries you are using in your project are secure (because they are so widespread and famous!).
As a project manager – you hope all project members are producing only quality and secure software, no one will hack it and the client will be happy.
As a consumer – you hope development company produces secure software and during security test testers find all vulnerabilities.
As a security tester – you hope your scanner can find all vulnerabilities.

Once you have security incident – who is guilty? Attacker – because he/she is bad? Developer – because he/she wrote the code? Admin? Tester? Project manager? Consumer?

As web application security tester, web application security trainer and ex-developer, I will share my opinion about “hope management” in this non-technical presentation. Come and brainstorm about security-bottle-necks in softare development. Also, you may want to change your password later.

BIO: Elar was a Web Application developer about 8 years before switching to security field in the beginning of 2012. Elar is penetration tester and the main lector and course developer of 4-day Web Application Security training course in Clarified Security (In September 2014 he rounded up 1000 hours of WAS training given since 2012 March launch). Elar enjoys researching, writing Proof-of-Concepts and constantly keeps adding to the training content form real life pentesting experiences. He knows what can go wrong in Web Application as penetration tester and Web Application Security trainer and as ex-developer.

Agile Saturday XI – Session Video

Agile Saturday XI – Slides

Elar Lang Read More »

Jacopo Romei

LiquidO – No management from the trenches

You might have heard of a new breed of organisational models, responding to the fast growing adaptability, engagement and collaboration needs within modern company structures. Or you might have simply experienced the sound problems of slowness, rigidity, bureaucracy, disengagement along with various kinds of waste and bottlenecks that “traditional” organisational models generate and suffer nowadays.


I help companies improve their flow. Lean coach in Onebip. Cocoon projects member. Author of “Pro PHP Refactoring”. I love cappella music, photo, sailing, MTB, travelling far & books.

Agile Saturday XI – Session Video

Agile Saturday XI – Session Slides

Jacopo Romei Read More »

Priit Liivak


What is it?

Dojo is the Japanese term for “place of the way”, but it mostly describes a training place for
martial arts. For us, it is a training place to learn more about writing good quality code and
gaining tremendously valuable insights into the way other people solve problems.

Who is invited?

Code Dojo is open to everyone. Regardless of your skill level or your job description in
Outlook email signature, you are welcome. This includes junior testers, senior architects,
project managers, analysts, lead programmers so well versed in their craft that the only
challenge they have in their daily work is the tough decision which flavor of syrup to add
to their coffee on this particular morning, programmers yet to discover the joys of Extract
Method refactoring shortcut key and you. Especially you!

Why do it?

To become better, practice you must! Two hours in a Code Dojo will teach you far more than
a month grinding out one Model-View-Controller after another. Solving seemingly simple
problems in different ways and under different restrictions will challenge your mind, seeing
how other people steer their solutions to glorious victory through the rocky Red-Green-
Refactor cycles will broaden your own approach and improve your skills. You are guaranteed
to walk away with multiple invaluable insights.

How do we practice?

We will solve a kata, a simple programming challenge using Test-Driven Development
methods. You are free to come and practice alone. I strongly encourage you to bring a friend
or find a partner in the Dojo and work on the kata together as a pair. To make things even
more fun, we also try randori, free-style practice where multiple people line up to solve the
kata on a single computer. The first person writes a failing test, the second person makes the
failing test pass and then writes the next failing test before passing the turn to next person in

I have never used Test-Driven Development. Can I still participate?

Yes! You should definitely come. If you are not familiar with TDD, you can try solve the kata
without it, but be warned, you will be missing out on a lot of fun. I recommend pairing up
with someone or taking a turn in the randori line when you think you have gotten the gist of
it. Test-Driven Development methods used in Code Dojo are very easy to learn.

Which programming languages do I have to use?

You can use any programming language you are familiar with. Unit testing frameworks exist
for most languages (Java = JUnit, C# = NUnit, JavaScript = Jasmine, Scala = ScalaTest, Ruby
= Test::Unit, etc.) and for nearly all of them IDE support is available. So you can write your
tests in your favourite programming language (or the one you want to practise) and run them
in your favorite development environment.

Priit Liivak Read More »

Alex Norta

An Agile Agent-Oriented Method for Designing Large Socio-Technical Service-Ecosystems

The agile development of large sociotechnical systems appears to be now more feasible with the availability of service- oriented cloud computing although this results in a higher complexity level with respect to security and dependability in service ecosystems. Additionally, the communication between humans and software is more complex too. Developing system architectures that comprise proactive agents are a means to tackle that complexity. However, there is a lack of agile sociotechnical design- and development methods for generating agent-based architectures that get deployed on platforms as a service in Clouds. Such methods must be easy to comprehend and enactable in a pragmatic way. To demonstrate a suggested method, the presentation uses a running case based on an emergency healthcare-provision scenario in homes for elderly. This presentation addresses the state-of-the-art gap by questioning how to augment and modify existing agile best practices for enabling the design and development of large sociotechnical ecosystems with means of service-oriented cloud computing. The presenter hopes to receive inspiring input from industry practitioners that is useful for commencing with novel research into relevant and close-to-realite directions.

BIO: Alex Norta is currently a research member at the Faculty of Informatics/TTU and was earlier a researcher at the Oulu University Secure-Programming Group (OUSPG ) after having been a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki, Finland. He received his PhD degree (2007) from the Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands. His research interests include business-process collaboration, workflow management, e-business transactions, service-oriented computing, software architectures and software engineering, ontologies, mashups, social web. At the IEEE EDOC’12-conference, Alex won the best-paper award for his full research paper with the title “Inter-enterprise business transaction management in open service ecosystems”.

Alex Norta Read More »

Peep Pullerits

MVPs – how to build as much as needed and as little as possible

17.04.14.-452 (1)
Building software that fulfills its true purpose can be easier than you expect. Most requirements are premature and are only validated by real-world feedback. The easiest way to solve any problem is to realize you don’t need to solve it at all.

The acronym MVP gets thrown around a lot, even outside the startup world. What does it really mean to build a minimum viable product? Does it mean we can sacrifice in quality? Join me on a hackathon to find out how much product we can ship in 45 minutes.

BIO: Peep leads one of the product engineering teams at TransferWise, constantly looking for ways to make life better for customers, the business, and engineers.

Peep Pullerits Read More »

Hanno Jarvet

Agile is a bad strategy or 5 things every Agile practitioner should know about strategy.Hanno Jarvet

Many people confuse strategy (the “what”) with operations (the “how”) and as a result spend time spinning their wheels without getting anywhere. Actually Agile is not a strategy at all, its an ongoing operational priority.
Agile might help you get to your destination faster, but if the destination is wrong the last thing we need is to get there sooner.

Sometimes business executives or customers come to us with vague images that are short on the what and why and rich on the how. Company strategy, product strategy, Agile strategy, strategic agility, key growth strategy, business strategy. Strategy this and strategy that. In order to help them and yourself you need to think at a higher level of abstraction.

Come and find out what strategy is and how to implement it. As a result you will know how to think strategically and help executives do the same.

Hanno Jarvet Read More »

Peeter Marvet

Teaching young hackersPeeter Marvet

I bet we all started with games, mods and trying to make the environment around us cool/fun/interesting. Now we are going to schools and trying to make everybody learn “programming” – this trend must stop NOW. What are the cool activities that might require IT skills – from solving puzzles to building robots & better paper airplanes? And how to turn these activities into “formats” that can become viral among teachers and students? Peeter has been speaking to teachers after helping to localize some Codecademy courses and would like to bridge the gap.

BIO: Peeter might have been the first in Estonia to talk about agile in mainstream media – back in 2005. Likes blending together code, design & usability, but could be best in selling really expensive stuff to very large clients. With vision. Is often feeling depressed (and unemployed) by the fact, that he has never had a chance to work in real development.

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Andrei Solntsev

XP for dummies: UI tests Andrei_Solntsev

Hands-on session on writing UI tests.

  • Why developers should write UI tests too;
  • Typical problems of UI tests,
  • How to resolve them and make tests stable and fast

BIO: Software craftsman @ Codeborne (Tallinn, Estonia).
Aggressive fan of extreme programming.
Creator of Selenide – open-source library for UI tests in Java.
Organizer of
Frequent speaker at conferences: DevClub, Agile Saturday, XP Days Kiev, SeleniumCamp, Nordic Testing Days, TopConf, DevConFu.

Andrei Solntsev Read More »

Andrei Solntsev

XP for dummies: unit-tests Andrei_Solntsev

A pragmatic hands-on session demonstrating how to write good unit-tests and get benefit from them.

  • Why do you need unit-tests
  • How to write good unit-tests
  • 5 myths about unit-tests

BIO: Software craftsman @ Codeborne (Tallinn, Estonia).
Aggressive fan of extreme programming.
Creator of Selenide – open-source library for UI tests in Java.
Organizer of
Frequent speaker at conferences: DevClub, Agile Saturday, XP Days Kiev, SeleniumCamp, Nordic Testing Days, TopConf, DevConFu.

Andrei Solntsev Read More »

Alek Kozlov

Introduction to SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) – Good, Bad, UglyAlek

You can find in the Internet a lot of voices raving against this approach, as a try to commercialize Agile.

On the other side a lot of big companies are very into this model and they find it very helpful in understanding how one Agile Company should be structured.

I have reviewed SAFe model and in my session I will share pluses and minuses that I have found in it. Overall I satisfied with they way how Dean Leffingwell been systemized the “”How”” one enterprise can work in agile setting. I have some smaller concerns to share with you and, in my humble opinion, one big architectural flaw that should be changed/addressed.

Come and discuss these topics with me and take away understanding about how does this model can be used in your settings.

Alek Kozlov Read More »

Dmitri Troshkov

Typescript sugar with nuts 

You will learn how to write compile time safe JavaScript code and be confident in it. In TypeScript you can use classes, enumerations, modules, describe nested structures and still be able to use dynamic nature of JavaScript And the most attractive is that you do not have to learn new language!
The world where you come from, does not matter: Java, .NET, PHP, Ruby… TypeScript is friendly with everyone and all popular IDE-s support that.

Introduction: what, when by whom, strongest “selling” parts of TS.
About me.
What project did I remake to use TS language.
What are the problems with JS?
TypeScript can be just JavaScript.
Demo: How to start using TS in VisualStudio.
Demo: Remaking small JS code piece to TS code and benefits.(VS)
Other IDE-s supporting TS.
How to set-up TS support in JetBrains WebStorm.
Small comparison with other frameworks which compile to JS.
TypeScript pluses.
Compiler is open source.
Some theoretical dive into TS constructions. (I will reduce the amount comparing to DevClub)
Demo: Generics
Demo: External type definitions
Demo: WebEssentials. The same in NodeJS by it’s nature.
Small demo: tricks with Any and Structural Typing by mocking function, object and constructor.


BIO: From childhood had three passions: physics, IT and theatre. Got good results in state physics contest. For a long time played in amateur theatre before and after university.
Studied Physical Information Technology and Applied Physics in Tartu University. Now studying Computer Systems in Tallinn University of Technology.
Working in IT almost 10 years. Started from test automation and now trying to do everything as senior developer in
Physicists need to explore and see picture of nature very thoroughly to do conclusions. I think the same approach should be in IT industry.

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